If you know the lyrics exactly, you can type them into a search engine like Google to name the song. The trick is knowing the lyrics precisely. Often, a lyric ...
This tool finds songs that contain the lyrics you remember! Find song by lyrics (or partial lyrics) tool can help you figure it out and solve your earworm, it's ...
2012年1月7日 — Find the Song Name Without Knowing the Lyrics ... Alternatively, you may play a short recording of that “unknown” track for Midomi to identify its ...
Identifies songs from a sample that is sung or hummed. Search by lyrics, artist, or song title. What We Don't Like. Need to sing into a microphone in an area ...
2019年9月2日 — Listen closely to the lyrics and try to remember a line or two from the song. You can search the lyric in Apple Music/iTunes's search bar, and ...
Play the song on Musipedia's virtual keyboard. Type any lyrics you remember into Google. Search the context of the song, such as the TV show you heard it in.